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Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Rentsendorj A, Sheyn J, Fuchs DT, Daley D, Salumbides BC, Schubloom HE, Hart NJ, Li S, Hayden EY, Teplow DB, Black KL, Koronyo Y, Koronyo-Hamaoui M. (2018) A novel role for osteopontin in macrophage-mediated amyloid-β clearance in Alzheimer’s models. Brain Behav Immun. 67:163-180. PMID: 28860067. PMID: 28860067.
- Hayden EY, Hoi KK, Lopez J, Inayathullah M, Condron MM, Teplow DB. (2017) Identification of key regions and residues controlling Aβ folding and assembly. Scientific Reports, 7(1):12434. PMID: 28974765. PMID: 28974765.
- Banerjee S, Sun Z, Hayden EY, Teplow DB, Lyubchenko YL. (2017) Nanoscale Dynamics of Amyloid β-42 Oligomers As Revealed by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy. ACS Nano. PMID: 29165985. PMID: 29165985.
- Kim B, Do TD, Hayden EY, Teplow DB, Bowers MT, Shea JE. (2016) Aggregation of Chameleon Peptides: Implications of α-Helicity in Fibril Formation. J Phys Chem B. 2016 Apr 1. PMID: 27001160.
- Hayden EY, Conovaloff JL, Mason A, Bitan G, Teplow DB. (2017) Preparation of pure populations of covalently stabilized amyloid β-protein oligomers of specific sizes. Anal Biochem.518:78-85. PMID: 27810329. PMID: 27810329.
- Roychaudhuri R, Zheng X, Lomakin A, Maiti P, Condron MM, Benedek GB, Bitan G, Bowers MT, Teplow DB. (2015) Role of Species-Specific Primary Structure Differences in Aβ42 Assembly and Neurotoxicity. ACS Chem Neuroscience. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00180. PMID: 26421877.
- Hayden EY, Yamin G, Beroukhim S, Chen B, Kibalchenko M, Jiang L, Ho L, Wang J, Pasinetti GM, Teplow DB. (2015) Inhibiting amyloid β-protein assembly: Size-activity relationships among grape seed-derived polyphenols. J Neurochem. doi: 10.1111/jnc.13270. PMID: 26228682.
- Yamin G, Huynh TV, Teplow DB. (2015) Design and characterization of chemically stabilized Aβ42 oligomers. Biochemistry. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00318 PMID: 26241378.
- Roychaudhuri R, Lomakin A, Bernstein S, Zheng X, Condron MM, Benedek GB, Bowers MT, and Teplow DB (2014) Gly25-Ser26 amyloid β-protein structural isomorphs produce distinct Aβ42 conformational dynamics and assembly characteristics. J Mol Biol, 426:2422–2441. PMID:24735871.
- Roychaudhuri R, Yang M, Deshpande A, Cole GM, Frautschy S, Lomakin A, Benedek GB, Teplow DB.(2013) C-Terminal Turn Stability Determines Assembly Differences between Aβ40 and Aβ42. JMB, 425:292–308. PMID: 23154165.
- Hayden EY and Teplow DB. (2012) Continuous Flow Reactor for the Production of Stable Amyloid Protein Oligomers. Biochemistry, 51(32), 6342-6349. PMID: 22803680.
- Roychaudhuri R, Yang M, Condron MM, Teplow DB. (2012) Structural dynamics of the amyloid β-protein monomer folding nucleus. Biochemistry. May 15;51(19):3957-9. PMID: 22551351.
- Inayathullah M and Teplow DB (2011) Structural dynamics of the ΔE22 (Osaka) familial Alzheimer’s disease-linked amyloid β-protein. Amyloid: J. Prot. Fold. Dis., in press. PMID: 21668291.
- Matsumura S, Shinoda K, Yamada M, Yokojima S, Inoue M, Ohnishi T, Shimada T, Kikuchi K, Masui D, Hashimoto S, Sato M, Ito A, Akioka M, Takagi S, Nakamura Y, Nemoto K, Hasegawa Y, Takamoto H, Inoue H, Nakamura S, Nabeshima Y, Teplow DB, Kinjo M, and Hoshi M (2011) Two distinct amyloid β-protein (Aβ) assembly pathways leading to oligomers and fibrils identified by combined fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, morphology and toxicity analyses. JBC, 286:11555-11562. PMID: 21292768; PMCID: PMC3064209.
- Ono K, Condron MM, and Teplow DB (2010) Effects of the English (H6R) and Tottori (D7N) familial Alzheimer disease mutations on amyloid β-protein assembly and toxicity. JBC, 285:23186-23197. PMID: 20452980; PMCID: PMC2906312.
- Wang J, Santa-Maria I, Ho L, Ksiezak-Reding H, Ono K, Teplow DB, Pasinetti GM (2010) Grape-derived polyphenols attenuate tau neuropathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimer’s Dis, 22:653-661. PMID: 20858961.
- Urbanc B, Betnel M, Cruz L, Bitan G, Teplow DB (2010) Elucidation of amyloid β-protein oligomerization mechanisms: Discrete molecular dynamics study. JACS, 132:4266-4280. PMID: 20218566.
- Ikeda T, Ono K, Elashoff D, Condron MM, Noguchi-Shinohara M, Yoshita M, Teplow DB, and Yamada M (2010) Cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer patients promotes amyloid β-protein oligomerization. J Alzheimer’s Dis, 21:81-86. PMID: 20413863.
- Walsh DM, Thulin E, Minogue AM, Gustavsson N, Pang E, Teplow DB, Linse S (2009) Aβ facile method for expression and purification of the Alzheimer’s disease-associated amyloid β-peptide. FEBS J, 276:1266-1281. PMID: 19175671; PMCID: PMC2702495.
- Yamin G, Ruchala P, Teplow DB (2009) A peptide hairpin inhibitor of amyloid β-protein oligomerization and fibrillogenesis. Biochem, 48:11329-11331. PMID: 19877710.
- Noguchi A, Matsumura S, Dezawa M, Tada M, Yanazawa M, Ito A, Akioka M, Kikuchi S, Sato M, Ideno S, Noda M, Fukunari A, Muramatsu S, Itokazu Y, Sato K, Takahashi H, Teplow DB, Nabeshima Y, Kakita A, Imahori K, and Hoshi M (2009) Isolation and characterization of patient-derived, toxic, high-mass amyloid β-protein (Aβ) assembly from Alzheimer disease brains. J Biol Chem, 284:32895-32905. PMID: 19759000; PMCID: PMC2781705.
- Maji SK, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Spring SM, Vollers SS, Condron MM, Bitan G, Loo JA, and Teplow DB (2009) Amino acid position-specific contributions to amyloid β-protein oligomerization. J Biol Chem, 284:23580-23591. PMID: 19567875; PMCID: PMC2749133.
- Ono K, Condron MM, Teplow DB (2009) Structure-neurotoxicity relationships of amyloid β-protein oligomers. PNAS, 106:14745-14750. PMID: 19706468; PMCID: PMC2736424.
- Murray M, Bernstein S, Nyugen V, Condron MM, Teplow D, Bowers M (2009) Amyloid β-protein: Aβ40 inhibits Aβ42 oligomerization. JACS, 131:6316-6317. PMID: 19385598; PMCID: PMC2697393.
- Bernstein SL, Dupuis NF, Lazo ND, Wyttenbach T, Condron MM, Bitan G, Teplow DB, Shea J-E, Ruotolo BT, Robinson CV & Bowers MT (2009) Amyloid-β protein oligomerization and the importance of tetramers and dodecamers in the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Chem, 1: 326-331. PMID: 20703363; PMCID: PMC2918915.
- Murray M, Krone MG, Bernstein SL, Baumketner A, Condron, M, Lazo ND, Teplow DB, Wyttenbach T, Shea J-E, Bowers MT (2009) Amyloid β-protein: Experiment and theory on the 21-30 fragment. J Phys Chem B, 113: 6041-6046. PMID: 19341254; PMCID: PMC2693341.
- Zaghi J, Goldenson B, Inayathullah M, Lossinsky AS, Masoumi A, Avagyan H, Mahanian M, Bernas M, Weinand M, Rosenthal MJ, Espinosa-JeVrey A, De Vellis JS, Teplow DB, Fiala M (2009) Alzheimer disease macrophages shuttle amyloid-β from neurons to vessels, contributing to amyloid angiopathy. Acta Neuropathol, 117:111-124. PMID: 19139910.
- Ho L, Chen LH, Wang J, Zhao W, Talcott ST, Ono K, Teplow DB, Humala N, Cheng A, Percival SS, Ferruzzi M, Janle E, Weaver C, Dickstein DL, Pasinetti GM (2009) Heterogeneity in red wine polyphenolic contents differentially influences Alzheimer’s disease-type neuropathology and cognitive deterioration. J Alzheimer’s Dis, 16:59-72. PMID: 19158422; PMCID: PMC2857553.
- Zhao W, Wang J, Ho, L, Ono K, Teplow DB, Pasinetti GM (2009) Identification of antihypertensive drugs which inhibit amyloid-β protein oligomerization. J Alzheimer’s Dis, 16:49-57. PMID: 19158421.
- Lam AR, Teplow DB, Stanley HE, and Urbanc B (2008) Effects of the Arctic (Glu22->Gly) mutation on amyloid β-protein folding: Discrete molecular dynamics study. JACS, 130:17413-17422. PMID: 19053400.
- Ono K, Condron MM, Ho L, Wang J, Zhao W, Pasinetti GM, and Teplow DB (2008) Effects of grape seed-derived polyphenols on amyloid β-protein self-assembly and cytotoxicity. J. Biol Chem, 283: 32176-32187. (This paper was selected as a JBC “Paper of the Week," an honor accorded to papers in the top 1% of all published, based on significance and overall importance.) PMID: 18815129; PMCID: PMC2583320.
- Yang M and Teplow DB (2008) Amyloid β-protein monomer folding: free energy landscapes reveal alloform specific differences. J Mol Biol, 384: 450-464. PMID: 18835397; PMCID: PMC2673916.
- Fluhrer R, Fukumori A, Martin L, Grammer G, Haug-Kröperr M, Klier B, Winkler E, Kremmer E, Condron MM, Teplow DB, Steiner H, and Haass C (2008) Intramembrane proteolysis of GxGD-type aspartyl proteases is slowed by a familial Alzheimer disease-like mutation. J Biol Chem, 283: 30121-30128. PMID: 18768471; PMCID: PMC2573083.
- Wang J, Ho L, Zhao W, Ono K, Rosensweig C, Chen L, Humala N, Teplow DB, Pasinetti GM (2008) Grape-derived polyphenolics prevent Aβ oligomerization and attenuate cognitive deterioration in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurosci, 28: 6388-6392. PMID: 18562609; PMCID: PMC2806059.
- Krone MG, Baumketner A, Bernstein SL, Wyttenbach T, Lazo ND, Teplow DB, Bowers MT, Shea J-E (2008) Effects of familial Alzheimer’s disease mutations on the folding nucleation of the amyloid β-protein. J Mol Biol, 381: 221-228. PMID: 18597778; PMCID: PMC2597412.
- Ren Y, Strobel GA, Graff JC, Jutila M, Park SG, Gosh S, Teplow D, Condron M, Pang E, Hess WM, and Moore E (2008) Colutellin A, an immunosuppressive peptide from Colletotrichum dematium. Microbiology, 154: 1973-1979. PMID: 18599825.
- Grant MA, Lazo ND, Lomakin A, Condron MM, Arai H, Yamin G, Rigby AC, and Teplow DB (2007) Familial Alzheimer’s disease mutations alter the stability of the amyloid β-protein monomer folding nucleus. PNAS, 104: 16522-16527. PMID: 17940047; PMCID: PMC2034231.
- Yun S, Urbanc B, Cruz L, Bitan G, Teplow DB, Stanley HE (2007) Role of electrostatic interactions in amyloid β-protein (A β) oligomer formation: a discrete molecular dynamics study. Biophys J, 92:4064-4077. PMID: 17307823; PMCID: PMC1868995.
- Hori Y, Hashimoto T, Wakutani Y, Urakami K, Nakashima K, Condron MM, Tsubuki S, Saido TC, Teplow DB, and Iwatsubo T. (2007) The Tottori (D7N) and English (H6R) familial Alzheimer’s disease mutations accelerate Aβ fibril formation without increasing protofibril formation. J Biol Chem, 282:4916-4923. PMID: 17170111